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4230 - Affiliation Agreements


  • Position: Vice Provost Academic Initiatives
  • Email:

Last updated: June 01, 1988


A. Introduction
B. Planning and Initial Discussions
C. Review and Approval Procedures


A-1. The University of Idaho is the state's leading educational institution for international programs. Therefore, the regents encourage UI officials to establish and maintain long-term relations with foreign institutions when the relations enhance the teaching, research, or service activities of the university.

A-2. The sections below outline the procedures for formulating, negotiating, and implementing agreements with foreign institutions. Section B covers planning and initial discussions; section C describes UI review and approval procedures.

A-3.These procedures do not apply when: (a) the relationship with the foreign institution is secondary to a contractual relation with a funding organization for specific, bounded services; or (b) individual faculty or staff members obtain external funding for international teaching, research, or service projects.


B-1. College deans or their designees are authorized to enter into discussions with foreign officials to establish interinstitutional relations. When such a discussion is contemplated, the dean sends the provost a memorandum indicating what might develop out of the discussion; this memorandum may be attached to the UI representative's travel request, if any. No formal agreement can be concluded without written approval by the president of the University of Idaho. However, a written report of any preliminary discussion must be transmitted to the provost through the International Programs Office (IPO).

B-2. The report mentioned above is simply a record of (a) institutions and persons involved, (b) location, (c) reasons for the discussion, and (d) content. It indicates either that no further discussions or involvement are expected or desired; or that the discussions resulted in, or may result in, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) or a formal agreement. The report should reflect agreement between the institutions that no financial commitments will be made without written approval by the president of this university.

B-3. The report may include an MOU, which also does no more than record the reason for and content of discussions and the location and personnel involved; the MOU acknowledges that the parties will review any draft agreement at their home sites. A copy of the MOU with signatures of both parties is transmitted with the report. Again, there is no commitment of resources by any party because the MOU itself does not initiate interinstitutional activities.

B-4. Each MOU must contain the following statement:

"This memorandum of understanding is the first step that may lead to a formal agreement between the signatory institutions. It is understood that no financial obligation is assumed by either party at this time."


C-1. Content.

a. The content of an interinstitutional agreement can vary according to local custom and the requirements of the UI college intending to implement the agreement. It should speak to long-term objectives of collaboration for mutual benefit, but should be couched in general terms with respect to particular activities--it serves as an enabling document rather than as a prescription of action. When the procedures described below are followed, specific activities will be identified and described in the normal course of events.

b. It is important, however, to include very precise language to permit orderly planning and implementation of activities under the agreement. Accordingly, the following language must be in all agreements establishing long-term relationships between UI and foreign institutions:

"This friendship and cooperation agreement will be expanded by periodic work plans that are prepared jointly either during site visits or through correspondence. The work plans will specify proposed activities that are likely to take place, for example, exchange of scholars, short-term training, joint research or service efforts, or degree programs. Before being implemented, both parties will agree, in writing, on the details of each activity. Implementation will be specified in task orders that include names of faculty and staff members, schedules, a budget, and other data necessary for efficient implementation. The budget for the task order must be approved by both parties. It will delineate the financial requirements and cost-sharing between institutions."

c. Although the work plan estimates costs, it is not necessary to specify the sources of funding. Task orders for individual activities described in the work plan specify particulars such as personnel, responsible parties, work period, and detailed budget.

C-2. Procedures. Because of UI's commitment, both stated and implied, when entering into agreements with foreign institutions, it is essential that central administrators participate with college administrators in the approval process. It is the aim of the following procedures to define the respective roles of college and university administrators in initiating and carrying out international agreements:

a. Preliminary discussions are carried on by a dean or dean's designee pursuant to a memorandum as described in B-1.

b. If negotiations are undertaken, a report (which may include an MOU) is forwarded to the provost through IPO. This report includes a transmittal memorandum and the following supporting documents: (1) a narrative report; (2) the MOU, if any; (3) the draft agreement, if any; (4) a statement on how the agreement is expected to enhance activities in the college; and (5) a statement of the financial implications. If the types of activities to be implemented under the agreement are known, e.g., exchange of scholars, short-term joint research or service efforts, or degree programs, they are described briefly. If the agreement can lead to outside funding, this also should be noted.

c. If a draft agreement was not transmitted with the initial report (see B), the transmittal memo and draft agreement are prepared and forwarded as in C-2-b. IPO will review draft agreements before they are transmitted to the provost and the vice president for finance. If the draft agreement is approved by these officers, the president causes a memorandum to be issued authorizing further discussions for the purpose of preparing a formal agreement. (9-15)

d. The formal agreement is forwarded to the provost and the vice president for finance through IPO. If approved, the agreement must be submitted to the president and regents for approval. If the president and regents also approve, it is signed by the president, bursar, director of IPO, and dean of the lead college. (9-15) 

e. During the period provided in the agreement, work plans are developed periodically outlining general areas of activity, estimated personnel needs, and estimated budget. At this stage, regular UI procedures for external support apply.

f. Subsequently, detailed task orders are, from time to time, developed for: (1) specific activities in the work plan; (2) specific personnel and responsible parties; (3) specific budget requirements; and (4) other requirements, such as reporting procedures.

C-3. Administrative Responsibilities. College and central administrators share the responsibility for administering international agreements. In most cases, college deans or their designees are the primary agents in initiating new relationships and maintaining UI's high standards in the implementation of agreements with foreign institutions. The role of central administrators is to approve, support, and monitor actions taken by college administrators. This includes facilitating, implementing, and encouraging multi-college participation where appropriate, and ensuring that UI standards for excellence are maintained. The common objective is to enter into international agreements only when they are compatible with UI's role and mission and when mutual benefit is assured to participating institutions. Agreements are approved only when a college has made the commitment to develop an active relationship with a foreign counterpart.

a. Responsibilities of Colleges.

(1) The initiation and management of international agreements rest with the deans of the individual colleges as representatives of the university. The dean of each college that has active international agreements designates an officer to be responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and reporting activities under them.

(2) Colleges, in collaboration with foreign institutions, develop draft agreements and follow procedures for approval. After agreements are in place, the colleges are responsible for developing, implementing, and managing periodic work plans and task orders.

(3) An annual report is prepared by the lead college for each agreement and is transmitted to the provost, vice president for finance, and director of IPO.

(4) The management of formal agreements between UI and foreign institutions does not govern actions by individual faculty or staff members that are independent of institutional agreements. Faculty and staff members are encouraged to pursue international contacts as part of assigned duties and to seek external funding for international teaching, research, or service projects. In these cases, regular procedures for seeking and managing external funding from domestic sources apply.

b. IPO's Responsibilities. IPO is the UI office charged by the president with the responsibility to support, monitor, and, when appropriate, administer international agreements. It serves as the clearinghouse for the university, reviews proposed international agreements, serves as the repository for those agreements, maintains official records, and coordinates action within UI. IPO drafts and recommends standard operating procedures and supports implementation of agreements as necessary and as resources permit. IPO monitors the approval procedures to ensure efficient and timely consideration of all proposed agreements.

Version History

Adopted June 1988.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
